節目 (2017-5-29)

日期:24 / 6 / 2017
時間:14:30 - 16:00
查詢:9376 2160(Emil)/ artmatchgroup@gmail.com




台西過去十年,每年暑假均會邀請海外大學生到台西村落認識當地文化、創作壁畫和參與保育行動,成果令人雀躍。藝緣畫會和社區文化發展中心合辦的「台西彩繪村 - 從台西社區藝術發展看活化」研討會,邀請到台西藝術協會理事長丁仁桐,來港分享過程經驗及成果。同時,香港教育大學講師Laurence James Wood亦會同場分享香港他和學生參與社區藝術家的經驗。

日期:14 - 16 / 6 / 2017
時間:10:00 - 22:00
開幕:14 / 6 / 2017 > 19:30
地點:L0 Gallery
查詢:6645 4497(C Wing)/ eduhkvacacgradshow@gmail.com
網址 Website:www.facebook.com/eduhkvacacgradshow



Last Week of May (27-29), 2017


CONTACT: Cell63 art platform /// Allerstr 38, 12049 Berlin ///


www.cell63.com /// +


Email: contact@werftraum.org Organizers: Cell 63


Supporting organization: Museum of Site (MOST) / Andrew Lam, Hong Kong


Directors/ Curators: Dagmar I. Glausnitzer-Smith (DE), Luisa Catucci (IT)


Venues: Public open space of the Schillerkiez-Berlin with the indoor gallery space of Gallery Catucci (Cell63)


International artists created a two-day high-energy event with an international context by presenting their works in an hourly schedule throughout the weekend. The actions followed creating a connection between the public open space of the Schillerkiez with the private indoor space of Cell63. Performers and viewers will be taking the inside to the outside and the outside to the inside. The power of momentary impulses and the power of intervention with space and time, and the encompassing mix of genres and disciplines create the action weekend to become an unforeseeable overall picture of Performances where the threshold of categories merges. Material and conceptual structures are absent and the viewers meet with their own interpretative freedom. A world within a world where one main characteristic dominates: the transformation of ideas, redirecting the expectation level for completeness into an permissiveness for surprise. Artists and viewers alike experience the amenable possibilities of dis-categorization between performing art and fine art. Artist next to Artist and its non-stopping continuity of actions and movement through spaces, gallery and most of all public, unexpected urban environments of Neukölln’s everyday life situations. Pavements transform into exciting, temporary platforms for feet and heads and the pedestrian’s stride is being interrupted. The idea that the limitations of private and public was being met and were distorted, at that threshold open the borders of countries and foreign cultures, the moment when artists of different nationalities engaged on Cell63 as a unique, international experienced art platform.


Performance Artists in Germany:

Francesco Kiais (IT-GR) |

Pashias & Pappas (CY) |

Zierle & Carter (DE-UK) Dagmar I.

Glausnitzer-Smith (DE) |

Nicolina Stylianou (CY) |

Elisabeth Van Dam (BE) |

Marta Lodola (IT) |

Marcel Sparmann (DE) |

Felix Roadkill (DE) |

Anniken Weber (NOR) |

Patrick Jambon (FR) |

Olga Kozmanidze (RUS) |

Anna Kosarewska (UA) |

So Sick Communications (UK) |

Sikarnt Skoolisariyaporn (THA) |

Maryam Nazari (IR) |

Nicola Fornoni (IT) |

B.Ashra + Eru (DE)|




Live Performance Curator/ Artists from Hong Kong-China:

Andrew Lam Hon Kin 林漢堅 (HK-CHINA) |

Monique Yim (HK-CHINA) + Wienzy Wong Wing Yee (HK-CHINA)|

Tsui Shiu Hong 徐兆康 (HK-CHINA) x Lai Sin Wah 黎倩華 (HK-CHINA)|

Alvin Cheng 鄭文仔(HJK-CHINA) x Tang Tak Man 鄧德敏 (HK-CHINA)|




The project was sponsored and gratefully supported by the Arts Development Fund of the Home Affairs Bureau, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. (計劃由「香港特別行政區政府民政事務局藝術發展基金資助」). 




在天台舉行的免費露天電影會,由JCCACMOViE MOViEnow TV 116頻道)合辦。觀眾將置身星空下欣賞精采得獎電影,並於映後座談會與資深影評人分享交流,別有風味。參加者更有機會獲得G.O.D.購物優惠券乙張,萬勿錯過!



日期:10 / 6 / 2017(星期六)

時間:19:30 - 21:30


播放電影︰《La La La Rock到底

映後座談會主持:影音創作人 楊文輝


La La La Rock到底



導演 : 山下敦弘

演員 : 二階堂富美、涉谷昴、鈴木紗理奈、川原克己

片長 :  103 分鐘

級數 :  IIB

語言 : 日語 (中英文字幕)


映後座談會嘉賓主持 —— 楊文輝

影音創作人,英國東倫敦大學電影與媒體碩士。 編導作品包括電影 《甜美生活》,電視製作《比賽人》、《不死傳說》,網上短片《現實的童話藍白紅三部曲》等。曾任電台節目主持及大專兼任講師。近年從事媒體製作、培訓及以電影進入中小學和社區推行生命教育工作。



認識MOViE MOViE(按此





1/ 大會將提供座位,亦歡迎參加者自備食物、飲品及座墊入場。

2/ 請保持場地清潔。

3/ 參加者須自行負責照顧同行之小童。

4/ 活動如受惡劣天氣影響而延期、取消或更改地點,主辦單位將於活動開始前約3小時透過JCCAC網頁/Facebook公布,敬請留意。

5/ 以上活動內容及有關安排,JCCAC保留最後決定權。


如有任何查詢,歡迎與中心項目主任林小姐Peggy 聯絡

(電話:2319 2512/電郵:peggylampy@hkbu.edu.hk)。
