貓貓玻璃珠燒製 Mew Mew Glass Bead Making

猫猫玻璃珠燒製 Mew Mew Glass Bead Making

日期Date: 14 April (Saturday)
時間Time: 1500-1800(3小時)
費用Fee: $600(包括材料工具)
報名Enrol: whatsapp 68969289 Ms Luk

備註: 只適合16歲以上人士


費用包括專業指導,意大利玻璃材料, 美國專業加氧火槍及其他專業玻璃器材。名額有限,優先次序以付款時間為准。

Fee includes everything you need to make mew mew glass bead by lampworking, i.e. melting glass and manipulate it into cat's shape. Minimum 4 people for booking your private class with your chosen date