陶瓷 - 炻器
34W x 51H x 11D cm
25W x 33H x 16D cm
大家常聽見「合巹交杯」這個詞,「巹」是一種形似葫蘆的瓜,切開兩半用來裝水。古代婚宴上,主人家會用兩邊「巹」來裝起酒水,當新人飲過酒之後,再將兩邊「巹」合二為一,代表著夫妻同心,從此不分的美意。今天婚禮上,新人改用酒杯來「合巹」,取其同等意義。作品「交杯」 ,雕塑出終成眷屬的情侶一雙交義的手,托着一對獨有精緻的杯,願它的两位主人永結同心!
Louis Sai-keung Lo practiced ceramic sculpting with Shiwan ceramic artist Mr. Ho Ping-chung (何秉聰) since 1973 and had been focused in human figure sculpting for many years.
In 2006, he went to New York and found glass as an additional medium to further pursue his sculpting interest. During 2006 to 2009, he learned and practiced glass casting technique in two renowned glass studios in New York – Urban Glass and The Studio of Corning Museum of Glass. With an objective to understand the relation between traditional arts and contemporary art world, Louis returned to Hong Kong in 2010 and completed the BAFA programme (major in ceramics) offered jointly by HK Art School and RMIT Australia. After which, he worked as a full-time sculptor and ceramics and glass artist. He actively participated in many solo and group exhibitions with artworks collected by many art collectors.
Louis operated his own art studio since 2013. After moving his studio to JCCAC in 2015 , apart from creating own artworks, he began offering regular ceramics sculpting classes specifically in human sculpting to interested people. Louis’ recent works reflect the phenomenon of people in modern world.
Affordable Art Fair 2021
日期:26 / 8 — 29 / 8 / 2021
地點:C05, Hall 1E, 香港會議展覽中心
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