Jockey Club Black Box Theatre Events (2024-10-23 ~)

Date & Time: 

1 / 11 - 3 / 11 / 2024 > 20:00

Ticket Price: $ 200, $180*

Venue: Jockey Club Black Box Theatre, JCCAC
Presenter: Ms. Stephy Tsui

Enquiry: 6077 2505 (Ms. Tsui)


* Discount for full-time students, senior citizens aged 60 or above, persons with a disability and their accompanying carers & Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients. 

This programme is supported by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant: Jockey Club Black Box Theatre Subsidy Scheme

Tickets are now available at Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre Box Office and art-mate.

Art-mate Website :

For ticketing, please contact the presenter for more information


Tsui Hiu Man Stephy, an independent theatre performer based in Hong Kong. In 2022, She wrote, directed and performed her solo work Titans in Hong Kong. She is now still creating her artwork and pursuing a professional certificate in the artistic practice of mime at Ecole Ecole Internationale de Mime Corporel Dramatique in Paris.


Stephy also works as a Graphic Designer, her design background providing her a unique sense of presenting her imagination in theatre. She is trying to explore how to combine graphic elements with her movements, and to develop her signature forms of mime of physical performance.


Date & Time:

8 / 11 - 10 / 11 / 2024 > 20:00

9 / 11 - 10 / 11 / 2024 > 15:00

Ticket Price:$ 260, $180* 

Venue:Jockey Club Black Box Theatre, JCCAC
Co-presenters: Isaac Lam X Breathing Theatre

Enquiry:9306 8324 (Ms. Kan)

Discount for full-time students, senior citizens aged 60 or above, persons with a disability and their accompanying carers. 

This programme is supported by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant: Jockey Club Black Box Theatre Subsidy Scheme

Tickets will be available at Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre Box Office and art-mate.

Art-mate Website :

For ticketing, please contact the presenter for more information.



Reality X Imaginary?

Memory X Forgetting?


Great Grandma was once a legendary writer; however, her memory has gradually declined as she approaches the end of her life. In Great Grandma's living place, how do her great-grandson, former student, and a curious director accompany her along the final journey of her life, together seeking the answers to resist forgetting?


About the "ABCDE Series: Floating at the Edge"

The "ABCDE Series: Floating at the Edge" uses theatre as a lively platform to reflect the feelings and events of everyday life. By combining different types of arts, this series explores our world and encourages the audience to ask questions, think deeply, and feel connected to what is happening around them. We hope that in the busy city life, audiences will take a moment to stop, pay attention to various issues through our theater, awaken their inner kindness, and find the strength to respond. The "ABCDE Series: Floating at the Edge" focuses on methods like interviews, collecting information, and observing to show the real "cries" that society often ignores.


Production List:

Curator / Performer:Isaac Lam

Director:Lo Chi Kin

Playwright:Hau Yik Laam

Scenographer:Dawn Chan

Lighting Designer:Zita Cheung

Sound Designer / Photographer:Cheng Man Ho

Sound Designer / Deputy Stage Manager:Yu Wing Lam

Technical Advisor / Visual Designer:Nicokle Li

Choreographer / Movement Coach:Haley So, Pansy Cheung

Performers:Ng Wing Ha, Chan Wa Lok Henry, Charlie Li, Haley So, Ice Chan, Athena Wan, Lam Tsz Ki, Dang King Lam

Stage Manager:Wu Wan Ching

Props / Set:Yick Pei Tung

Producer:Rachel Kan

Assistant Producer:Lai Wing Ka


.The performance lasts approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes, with no intermission.
.The program is performed in Cantonese.
.The programme contains smoking scene. Recommended for ages 12 and above.
.The organiser reserves the right to make changes to the program and the performers.
.Free Seating.


Date & Time:

21 / 11 - 23 / 11 / 2024 > 20:00

23 / 11 - 24 / 11 / 2024 > 15:00

Ticket Price:

漫畫套裝票 (包括原著漫畫 + 角色珍藏咭一套七張):

成人門票: $420

優惠門票: $370#


成人門票: $300

優惠門票: $250# 

Venue: Jockey Club Black Box Theatre, JCCAC
Presenter: Wild Child Theatre

Enquiries: 9515 2151 (子謙) /




Discount for full-time students, senior citizens aged 60 or above, persons with a disability and their accompanying carers

This programme is supported by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant: Jockey Club Black Box Theatre Subsidy Scheme

Tickets are now available at Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre Box Office and art-mate.

Art-mate Website:






原著 - Bonnie Pang

監製、導演、改編 - 劉子謙

助理監製 - 歐陽玉婷

道具及舞台設計 - 吳晉豪、王麗雯、黃芷晴

舞蹈設計 - 丘展誠

燈光設計 - 陳姻憧

音響設計 - 阮芮斯

造型設計 - 崔能斌

宣傳品設計 - 崔能斌

錄像統籌 - 趙展鋒

舞台監督 - 李雨澄

執行舞台監督 - 顧凝靜

助理舞台監督 - 廖君囅、何雨芹、黃芷晴、陳立禮、歐陽玉婷

演員 - 李穎欣、謝燊培、鄧美貞、阮芮斯、崔能斌、楊國樑、張文獻



*如有任何查詢,歡迎WhatsApp:9515 2151 (劉先生)






《野孩子劇場》(Wild Child Theatre) 為非牟利劇團,成立於2013年,以多方面藝術及媒體方式製作不同舞台表演及短片,用藝術與觀眾探討人類細緻的感情、人性面目及時下社會的冷暖。





2024 - 《紅巫物語》舞台劇

2023 - 《死剩個腦的後現代生活》舞台劇

2022 -《老豆.求生.求職者》舞台劇

2021 -《最後的留言》廣播劇

2021 -《巴爾說》舞台劇

2019 - 基督教家庭服務中心 - 論壇劇場(主題:兒童權益)

2018 - 基督教家庭服務中心 - 論壇劇場(主題:贍養費)

2018 -《再2》舞台劇

2017 -《投籃機》真人化映画

2016 -《張Sound x FM728 9000mAh》Live Concert

2016 -《找.死》舞台劇

2015 -《失控都市》舞台劇

2015 -《我要轉Profile pic》微電影

2014 - 基督教家庭服務中心「生命小舵手」計劃宣傳短片 及 典禮花絮片段

2013 - 樂施會《惜食》MV創作比賽公開組亞軍


Date & Time:

29 / 11 - 1 / 12 / 2024 > 19:45

30 / 11 - 1 / 12 / 2024 > 14:45

Ticket price: $320, $ 280(早鳥), $250*
Venue: Jockey Club Black Box Theatre, JCCAC
Presenter: PEAK Production
Co-Presenter: 雨木娛樂
Enquiry: 9021 0045 (Mr. Lo)
Instagram: @peak.hkp


* Discount for full-time students, senior citizens aged 60 or above, persons with a disability and their accompanying carers & Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients. 

This programme is supported by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant: Jockey Club Black Box Theatre Subsidy Scheme

Tickets are now available at Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre Box Office and art-mate.

Art-mate Website :

For ticketing, please contact the presenter for more information