Programmes (2021-4-18)

If higher self is the blueprint of life, would you like to connect with them?  Living in such a turbulent time such as ours, we often feel lost and try to look for solutions outside.  What if the answer is actually within and all we have to do is to open up and listen?  This course aims to use various mindful and creative practices to transcend our analytical mind and connect with the wisdom of higher self.  The journey never fails to take us to exactly where we need to be, so don’t be surprised to find out all the resources you ever want is already in your heart.

Date:9, 16, 23, 30/7 Fri
Time:19:30-21:30 (4 lessons)
Location:JCCAC L5-16 W Studio


Online sign up form:

Suitable for anyone who wants to know and take care of his or her mind, body, and soul as well as friends interested in creative art and self-healing; also welcome artists across medium and people who have no art background at all.


*Students who completed the course can join one healing with art 1 on 1 session for only $250
**4 people can form one class. Private group is welcomed

*** Taught in Cantonese - for English classes, please contact

查詢 enquiry
whatsapp: 6076 3663

【 teacher bio】

Winston Lau
Graduated from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago with a BFA in 2003, Winston loves to explore the deeper dimension of life and enjoys using alternative methods to inspire people from all cross of life. He has taught creative and soulful courses in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Spain, and the United States.

Dates:20 / 3 / 2021 – 29 / 5 / 2021
Time:12:00 – 19:00
Venue:L205-208 Centre for Community Cultural Development
Enquiries:2891 8482

Dates:20 / 3 / 2021 – 29 / 5 / 2021
Time:Tue – Sun > 12:00 – 19:00
地點:L205-208 Room D, Centre for Community Cultural Development

Dates:3 / 4 / 2021(Saturday)
Time:10:00 – 13:00
Venue:L205-208 Room D, Centre for Community Cultural Development
Enquiries:2891 8482

Are you tired from all the suffering in life? Do you usually suppress emotions and constantly judge yourself or carelessly unleash the wild beast within and inflict pain onto others? Though there isn’t one formula to solve it all, life does give us ways to deal with our pain. All we have to do is slow down and listen. When our heart is open to receive love, support, and wisdom, we will realise that we lack nothing & have so much resources within.

These series of healing workshops aim to nurture a safe space to explore different themes using the following tools each session:

18/4:Connection x Hand Healing
25/4:Co-existence x Body Awareness
2/5:Awareness x Mindfulness
Sun 4-6pm

8/5:Acceptance x Healing with Art
15/5:Letting go x Inner Journey
22/5:Surrender x Heart Chanting
Sat 7:30-9:30pm

Location:JCCAC L5-16 W Studio
Fee per session:pay as you wish (Suggested donation:$150)

Suitable for anyone who wants to know and take care of his or her mind, body, and soul as well as friends interested in creative art and self-healing; welcome all who have no art background.

sign up:
enquiry:whatsapp: 6596 7136

【teacher bio】

Winston Lau

Graduated from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago with a BFA in 2003, Winston loves to explore the deeper dimension of life and enjoys using alternative methods to inspire people from all cross of life. He has taught creative and soulful courses in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Spain, and the United States.



Facebook/Instagram: hevolutionhk
Whatsapp: 6596 7136

W Studio

Dare you listen to your own voice when you are alone? Detach yourself from the surroundings, enter the realm of your senses – in profound silence, a rhythm is lingering in your heart for it has been a companion who spirals and echoes itself repeatedly.

However, we are used to being dishonest with ourselves. Suppressing our innermost feelings, we dread to unearth our fears and desires in the deepest trench, which may overflow with the splashing and crashing ocean of mind. But you never know, the wailing truth from the bottom of heart, is the only requiem that soothes your soul.

The exhibition reveals the artist’s awareness and discovery in his journey. By using the characteristics of Chinese seal, duplication, with onomatopoeia, his works represent a visual process of attaining peace of mind.

This is an artist’s record of finding the echoes of a heartbeat.

*The exhibition is subsidized by HKADC Emerging Artists Scheme


Civilized wilderness, Broken landscape


Edward Cheung Exhibition



Contact: 9858 8520


Instagram: blueprint_edward

fb page:


Correspondence address:

Blueprint Studio

Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre (JCCAC) 6-07

30 Pak Tin Street, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon, Hong Kong


Exhibition periods:10/4/2021 to 30/4/2021

Opening hours: 

11:00 am – 9:00 pm (10/4 to 29/4/2021)

11:00 am – 6:00 pm (30/4/2021)


This exhibition describes Hong Kong Cityscape


’When we go sightseeing, we always look on the scene, we just look on from a certain distance but don’t know we are in the midst of it’.

This exhibition is not describing a cityscape in a certain distance, and is not describing that we can’t bear in this the holy distance.  This is the unique scene of Hong Kong from 2019 to 2020.  This scene becomes a memory, we are in the midst of it and become part of the scene.  What we see in the scene is just a representation, covering our daily inside scenery.  The free way of drawing let a layer of cover be poked, the distance of scenery is put near our skin, the warmth becomes four seasons, the wound becomes a river.  An exit for this cityscape is needed and is flown from the daily frame.


The reconstruction of a society brings change, this is a collective reveal and it forms a collective wound.  We are facing the battle of confrontation and it forms a social structure.  “In terms of performance, artwork reveals itself as a wound of the society; the performance is the social enzyme of its autonomy.”



The inspiration of the artwork is from Selected Writings: vol. 4. in “Theses on the Philosophy of History of Walter Benjamin who talked about the paintings of Paul Klee (1879-1940). New angel stands here and now, ahead of the future and facing layers of ruins of the past, waiting for the salvation to come.  Salvation is here and now, standing here and now to review history and fragments of wound.  Waken up by the past and transform the fragmented memory so as to reflect the shining aura.  The artwork reveals Hong Kong’s scene from the viewpoint of new angel, e.g. combines buildings, natural landscape with imagination to detach this familiar structure.  Using the way of flowing abstract to disperse the strangeness in familiarity, signature buildings and symbols.  By destroying the signature and symbols, freedom is restored.  We are looking at Hong Kong and associating with places outside Hong Kong.


[1] 阿多諾著。《美學理理論(上冊)》(台北:美學書房,2000 年)。 第353頁

[1]《新天使》(Angelus Novus). 水彩(Watercolor)31.8X24.2cm, 耶路撒冷的以色列博物館(The Israel Museum, Jerusalem).

[1] 王人英 (2010)班雅明筆下的新天使密碼 《世安美學論叢系列 2008-2013:在現代性的廢墟上》第3頁


Dates:13 – 23 / 4 / 2021
Times:10:00 – 22:00
Venue:JCCAC Central Courtyard
Co-Hosted:侯紹政繪畫工作室、謝江華工作室、John McArthur
Co-Presenter:香港素描學會Hong Kong Drawing Association

Dates & Time:
21 - 22 / 5/ 2021 > 20:00

22 - 23 / 5/ 2021 > 15:00

Ticket Price:$200, $180 (ST, SC, DIS, CSSA)

Venue:Jockey Club Black Box Theatre, JCCAC

Enquiry: 6171 6282(Ms. Chan)
Facebook Page:


This programme is supported by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant: Jockey Club Black Box Theatre Subsidy Scheme


Tickets are now available at Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre Box Office and art-mate. Art-mate Website :



著名流行曲創作人 Edmond Tsang x 資深音樂人 曾家瑋,攜手打造18首原創音樂!


Dates:14  /4 / 2021 – 31 / 3 / 2022(Every Wed, Thu, Fri & Sun, closed on public holidays)

Time:14:00 – 19:00

Venue:L5-23 Unit Gallery

Enquiries:9453 1626(Rachel Cheung);


“不閱讀是因為忙碌。不過 ……愈是忙碌更要閱讀。”

Unit Gallery 舉辦的Afternoon Reading 至今是第十二回,今次將這活動延展至為期一年,由2021年 4月至2022年3月底舉行。活動期間Unit Gallery提供寧靜的空間、文字書本、繪本和相關藝術的書籍讓閱書者隨意翻閱或細看,從而領會 “不閱讀是因為忙碌。不過 ……愈是忙碌更要閱讀” 的理念。

Dates:14 – 27 / 4 / 2021
Time:10:00 – 22:00
Venue:L2 Terrace
Enquiries:2777 1771; Lam)
Organiser:Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong
Sponsor:JK & Ingrid Lee Foundation
Opening:17 / 4 / 2021(1400-1600)Guided Tour


"Beyond Sight": Non-Visual Photography


"Beyond Sight" is the latest accessible art project by Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong. Through its one-of-a-kind photography workshops, the project prompted visually impaired people to break away from the traditional conception that photography is a sight-led activity and create photography works with sensory perceptions beyond visual sight.


Led by three photographers, the workshop series lasted for five weeks. This exhibition showcases the works produced by six visually impaired people during the workshops. By expressing their inner states of mind through photography, each participant reveals their physical condition, the feelings about taking their first photo or their aspirations for the future, and their feelings towards life, family, or society.


The exhibition provides an array of arts accessibility services, including audio description, tangible representation, braille information, sign interpretation, accessible art workshops, on-site accessible tours, and sharing sessions by the photographers with visual impairment, aspiring to give every audience member the equal right to appreciate art.


Curator and Workshop Facilitator: Dick LAU Tin-lun

Workshop Facilitators: Brian YIU, Jimz CHIM Sze-ho

Exhibition and Workshop Participants: WAN Kok-fai, TENG Ho-yin, Sarah, LEI Choi-fat, ZHENG Wen-juan, WONG Yin-chi



Dates:1 – 8 / 5 / 2021

Time:13:00 – 19:00

Venue:JCCAC L0 Gallery

Opening:1 / 5 / 2021 (Saturday) > 15:00 – 1700


Dates:16 / 4  – 1 / 5 / 2021

Time:13:00 – 19:00

Opening:16 / 4 / 2021 > 17:30 – 19:00

Venue:JCCAC 7/F Greenspace


Curator:Andrew Lam (Museum of Site - MOST);9802 9440

