Programmes (2022-1-4)

2022工房全新推出「染色材料包」系列; 分《天然染色套裝》《日本京友禪套裝》 及 《天然藍染布》(* 點擊跳至)三種。 


電話:(852) 98583616; (一按即WhatsApp查詢)
Facebook:Dyelicious 染樂工房

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目錄  [點擊跳至指定網站]
5  訂購空白素材

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*『大和』藍精粉 與 『香港』藍泥 套裝之分別點擊跳至指定内容)









Suminagashi (墨流し絵)是日本福井縣指定的無形文化財產,是一種擁有1000年以上歷史的傳統染色技法。



5  訂購空白素材



聯絡及查詢 : 藍小屋 Indigood House - 您的染樂道具所


Dates:14  /4 / 2021 – 31 / 3 / 2022(Every Wed, Thu, Fri & Sun, closed on public holidays)

Time:14:00 – 19:00

Venue:L5-23 Unit Gallery

Enquiries:9453 1626(Rachel Cheung);


“不閱讀是因為忙碌。不過 ……愈是忙碌更要閱讀。”

Unit Gallery 舉辦的Afternoon Reading 至今是第十二回,今次將這活動延展至為期一年,由2021年 4月至2022年3月底舉行。活動期間Unit Gallery提供寧靜的空間、文字書本、繪本和相關藝術的書籍讓閱書者隨意翻閱或細看,從而領會 “不閱讀是因為忙碌。不過 ……愈是忙碌更要閱讀” 的理念。

JCCAC Festival 2021【Dream Catcher


Date︰4 / 12 / 2021 – 9 / 1 / 2022

Handicraft Fair︰4 – 5 / 12 / 2021 > 13:00 – 19:00

Opening Reception︰10 / 12 / 2021 > 18:00

Feature Exhibition︰10 / 12 / 2021  9 / 1 / 2022 


Dreaming is a getaway from reality, and more often than not a mecca for creativity. JCCAC Festival 2021 takes 【Dream Catcher】 as theme to showcase the myriad of works by its multi-faceted tenant artists. Through a visual journey of artists’ dreams, the Festival presents to visitors a breath of fresh air for the mind free from the shackles of restricted physical travels.
The five-week Festival sees a kaleidoscope of free programmes, including the feature exhibition 【THE MOMENT】, co-presented with Lam Pei Studio (L5-11) and Art Venture Association, and curated by celebrated illustrator Lam Pei. Festival affiliated programmes include 【handicraft fair】, open air cinema, common space exhibitions, workshops, guided tours, talks and art demonstrations. Get ready to embark on a dreamy journey through artistic wonders and picturesque sceneries.


*Abide by the "Prevention and Control of Disease (Requirements and Directions) (Business and Premises) Regulation", L0 and L1 Galleries, Central Courtyard and Jockey Club Black Box Theatre will be closed from 7 January 2022 until further notice. As a result, JCCAC Festival 2021’s feature exhibition "THE MOMENT" will close three days early, programmes on 8 - 9 January will be cancelled. 


JCCAC will closely monitor developments and may further adjust programme arrangements if needed. Please refer to JCCAC’s website and Facebook page for updates. Thank you for your attention and understanding.



Exhibition Navigator

Festival Programme Schedule

Click here for JCCAC Festival 2021 Programme Guide



Dates︰10/12/2021 – 9/1/2022

Time︰11:00 – 20:00 (everyday)

Venue︰ L0 and L1 Gallery

Co-presented by︰JCCAC, Lam Pei Studio, Art Venture Association (AVA)

*Abide by the "Prevention and Control of Disease (Requirements and Directions) (Business and Premises) Regulation", L0 and L1 Galleries, Central Courtyard and Jockey Club Black Box Theatre will be closed from 7 January 2022 until further notice. As a result, JCCAC Festival 2021’s feature exhibition "THE MOMENT" will close three days early.


In the past two years, social distancing has changed living habits around the world. Worried about the future, many have shown signs of stress and depression. Living in this “moment” where the world seemed almost static in lockdown – we all need an emotional outlet to keep ourselves healthy – both physically and mentally.


A self-conversation between creatives is the beginning of this exhibition. With pen and paper, emotion is released during the creation and resonance is created with the audience. At the same time, a connection is established.


Supplemented by demonstrations and artist talks, participants can experience how art and design can be a channel of releasing inner emotions, so they can prepare themselves for the future challenges.


Extended Programmes:

Art talks

  1. ”THE MOMENT” – What does it bring us? (Speaker: Lam Pei)
  2. World Building in My Animation (Speaker: Jake Zhang)
  3. Paper sculpture: A story of a temple rooftop (Speaker: Margaret Chu)
  4. Sharing Session by AVA members: The journey of sculpture creation (Speaker: Helen Tam & Tsui Chee Yee @ &dear)



  1. Drawing the Rabbit Hole: Hand-made 3D Illustrated Tunnel Book Demonstration (Speaker: Momo Leung )

  2. "The Diaphragm Floating” Digital Painting Demonstration (Speaker: PureHay)

  3. Mixed Media Illustration Creation (Speaker: Kori Song)

  4. "Emotional outlet" Mini-book Making Demonstration (Speaker: Lam Pei)



Back toJCCAC Festival 2021main page


This course will introduce the fundamental techniques of image making on glass

and fusing.  Students will try with various decorative techniques using glass powders,

frits, confetti to create a multilayer fusing.  Students will create a unique glass art piece.

The size of artwork is around 100x100mm. No glass working experience is required.


Fee:  $550

*Fee including materials, tools and kiln firing

Venue: L707 JCCAC
Inquiry:  rubywooglass/ Ms. ruby

contact: 9439 6529


Winston Lau Farewell show

The time has come.  Let us celebrate the start & the end of a cycle.

13/8-12/9 10am-10pm
L5 common space, blue wall
L7 green space, blue wall

>>> L5-16 W Studio >>>
interactive performance:

birth 14/8 日 sun 4pm
Shall we kick off this celebration with a joyful play?

death 11/9 日 sun 7pm
The ritual to farewell this period of life.

Artist talk 12/9 mon 7:30pm
The very last talk about my 1X years of youth here.

Art & healing workshop:

Connect with self series
19, 26/8, 2, 9/9

Simply be series
20, 28/8, 3, 12/9

Event details & sign up

6076 3663

artist bio:
Winston Lau

Graduated from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago with a BFA in 2003, Winston loves to explore the deeper dimension of life and enjoys using alternative methods to inspire people from all cross of life. He has taught creative and soulful courses in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, India, Spain, and the United States.