Programmes (2022-6-3)

2022工房全新推出「染色材料包」系列; 分《天然染色套裝》《日本京友禪套裝》 及 《天然藍染布》(* 點擊跳至)三種。 


電話:(852) 98583616; (一按即WhatsApp查詢)
Facebook:Dyelicious 染樂工房

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目錄  [點擊跳至指定網站]
5  訂購空白素材

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*『大和』藍精粉 與 『香港』藍泥 套裝之分別點擊跳至指定内容)









Suminagashi (墨流し絵)是日本福井縣指定的無形文化財產,是一種擁有1000年以上歷史的傳統染色技法。



5  訂購空白素材



聯絡及查詢 : 藍小屋 Indigood House - 您的染樂道具所


This course will introduce the fundamental techniques of image making on glass

and fusing.  Students will try with various decorative techniques using glass powders,

frits, confetti to create a multilayer fusing.  Students will create a unique glass art piece.

The size of artwork is around 100x100mm. No glass working experience is required.


Fee:  $550

*Fee including materials, tools and kiln firing

Venue: L707 JCCAC
Inquiry:  rubywooglass/ Ms. ruby

contact: 9439 6529


Winston Lau Farewell show

The time has come.  Let us celebrate the start & the end of a cycle.

13/8-12/9 10am-10pm
L5 common space, blue wall
L7 green space, blue wall

>>> L5-16 W Studio >>>
interactive performance:

birth 14/8 日 sun 4pm
Shall we kick off this celebration with a joyful play?

death 11/9 日 sun 7pm
The ritual to farewell this period of life.

Artist talk 12/9 mon 7:30pm
The very last talk about my 1X years of youth here.

Art & healing workshop:

Connect with self series
19, 26/8, 2, 9/9

Simply be series
20, 28/8, 3, 12/9

Event details & sign up

6076 3663

artist bio:
Winston Lau

Graduated from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago with a BFA in 2003, Winston loves to explore the deeper dimension of life and enjoys using alternative methods to inspire people from all cross of life. He has taught creative and soulful courses in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, India, Spain, and the United States.

Healing happens naturally.  If we slow down to listen to our mind and body, we’ll realise all the resources we need are within us all along.  While it is important to understand the roots of our problems and release the tension, it is just as crucial to find a way to live in peace with ourselves at any given moment.  Each healing journey is a unique exploration.  From silent meditation, body awareness, artistic expression, intuitive movement sound vibration to nature connection, we will discover what connects with us the most and expands our universe in the process.  Life is a work of art.  Every experience adds a significant palette to our picture.  When we are ready to trust life and open our heart, life will show us much more than we expected.

enquiry & sign up:
whatsapp: 6076 3663

Healer bio:
Winston Lau

Graduated from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago with a BFA in 2003, Winston loves to explore the deeper dimension of life and enjoys using alternative methods to inspire people from all cross of life. He has taught creative and soulful courses in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, Spain, and the United States.



Connect with Your Inner Child - Healing with Art Course

online sign up:


We all got an inner child in our heart, but have you ever connected with them?  Besides discipline, do you actually spend time listening to and caring for them?  It’s time to start embracing and accepting who you really are.  Let the creative process be a safe playground for you two to connect and enjoy each other’s company.  Having a truthful dialogue with the child you have ignored for so long isn’t as complicated as you think.  Just one step at a time, you will begin to love the original YOU.


Date:6, 13, 20, 27/4  Wed
Time:19:30-21:30 (4 lessons)

Class platform:Google Meet



*Students who completed the course can join one healing with art 1 on 1 session for only $250

**4 people can form one class.  Private group is welcomed


Suitable for anyone who wants to know and take care of his or her mind, body, and soul as well as friends interested in creative art and self-healing; also welcome artists across medium and people who have no art background at all.


enquiry & sign up

whatsapp: 6076 3663


Online sign up form:


Teacher bio

Winston Lau


Graduated from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago with a BFA in 2003, Winston loves to explore the deeper dimension of life and enjoys using alternative methods to inspire people from all cross of life. He has taught creative and soulful courses in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Spain, and the United States.

When negative emotions overwhelm our whole being, it may feel like dark night of the soul.  Our immediate reaction is usually to eliminate or to run away from darkness as soon as possible.  Yet we can actually try to flow with them.  In this course, we will learn to connect with our inner world through simple breath work, body connection, and creative art process.  Healing doesn’t have to be a difficult journey.  Life cycle is meant to have dawn and dusk.  Light and darkness are two sides of the same coin.  Let us dance with all shapes of life.


Date:7, 14, 21, 28/4  5, 12/5 Thu
Time:19:30-21:30 (6 lessons)
Class platform:Google Meet

*Students who completed the course can join one healing with art 1 on 1 session for only $250
**4 people can form one class. Private group is welcomed

Suitable for anyone who wants to know and take care of his or her mind, body, and soul as well as friends interested in creative art and self-healing; also welcome artists across medium and people who have no art background at all.

enquiry & sign up
whatsapp: 6076 3663

Online sign up form:

Instructor bio:
Winston Lau

Graduated from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago with a BFA in 2003, Winston loves to explore the deeper dimension of life and enjoys using alternative methods to inspire people from all cross of life. He has taught creative and soulful courses in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Spain, and the United States.

Healing happens naturally.  If we slow down to listen to our mind and body, we’ll realise all the resources we need are within us all along.  While it is important to understand the roots of our problems and release the tension, it is just as crucial to find a way to live in peace with ourselves at any given moment.  Each healing journey is a unique exploration.  From silent meditation, body awareness, artistic expression, intuitive movement sound vibration to nature connection, we will discover what connects with us the most and expands our universe in the process.  Life is a work of art.  Every experience adds a significant palette to our picture.  When we are ready to trust life and open our heart, life will show us much more than we expected.

enquiry & sign up:
whatsapp: 6076 3663

Healer bio:
Winston Lau

Graduated from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago with a BFA in 2003, Winston loves to explore the deeper dimension of life and enjoys using alternative methods to inspire people from all cross of life. He has taught creative and soulful courses in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, Spain, and the United States.

Please contact us for more info in English:
whatsapp: 9830 9622 

*Please check the new course online


Enquiry: 27284224


WhatsApp: 63915057


Studio Glass Hong Kong L0-04 Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon, Hong Kong 

*Please check the new course online


Enquiry: 27284224


WhatsApp: 63915057


Studio Glass Hong Kong L0-04 Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Date: 5 – 10 / 2022


Time: 10:00 – 20:00


Venue: S507, Block A, PMQ, 35 Aberdeen Street, Central, Hong Kong


Presenter: JCCAC



Behold, the new voices in arts! “Vagitus” succeeds its preceding “Metamorph” and “Dawning” series to showcase solo exhibitions of eight new artists from JCCAC, every month between May and October 2022. Curated by the artists, the series covers a wide array of topics from personal experience to cityscape, celebrating bold ideas and boundless creativity. Through various mediums, including oil painting, digital art, ceramics and installation, each exhibition responds to our community, culture or environment with thought-provoking works. “Vagitus” not only gives a voice to new artists, but also opens up new perspectives for the audience.  


Presented by JCCAC, this series introduces new artists of different genres and ideas, and new dialogues between artists, art space, and visitors.



Participating artists

3-22 /5/2022> Sunrise Sunset – During the Unusual Bout - JC Jessie(L8-09)>> Details 

26/5 – 13/6/2022>  Before Dawn - Rainbow Tse(L6-03)>> Details
19/6 – 6/7/2022> What the hell am I looking at? - Giraffe Leung(L4-06)>> Details

15-29/7/2022> Loop in Allergy and Rest - Kai Fung Tam(L7-06)>> Details
4 - 22/8/2022> Crystallized Order - Kuby Cheung(L6-06)>> Details
26/8 – 13/9/2022> reminiscences - Maggie Chu(L8-11)>> Details
18/9 – 6/10/2022> Looking Through The Surface - Wing Tung So(L7-14)>> Details
15-30/10/2022> Practising _____ - Mandy Ma(L6-21)>> Details



Pervious Hong Kong New Artist Series




項目1  : 展覽
28/5-22/6, 1000-2200  JCCAC L5共用空間

項目2 : 對談會
18/6 (六), 1300-1500 JCCAC L5-16 W Studio
嘉賓主持: 葉嘉詠 (香港中文大學中國語言及文學系哲學博士,現於原校任講師)

項目 3 : 電影放映 + 分享
18及19/6 (六、日), 1600-1800 JCCAC 中央庭園
– 播放短片 (均會在兩場內播放):
i. 回鄉 Going My Home (南韓,韓語,英文字幕)
ii. 同居 A Cohabitation (馬來西亞,國語/廣東話,英文字幕)
– 分享:
18/6 (六) – 三位策展人分享籌劃這次展覽的願景與衝擊,同時分別作為30、40、50多歲的男同志對愛滋的感與想。
19/6 (日) – 〈陽〉作者李楊力談個人感染愛滋及酷兒身份之間的角力。

項目 4 : 工作坊
28/5 (六) 1700-1900,12/6 (日) 1600-1800,22/6 (三) 1930-2130 JCCAC L5-16 W Studio
與自愛同行工作坊 – 如何輕省地去品嚐生活的甜酸苦辣是一門畢生的學問,有時生命突如其來的沉重會令我們感到進退失據。這系列工作坊志在與大家同行,透過不同的靜觀練習連結呼吸和身體,過程中不但可以聆聽及回應身心所需,亦是最簡單的方法去體驗自愛。無論是展覽的內容令你有所動容,或是純粹想和自己和好,都歡迎你來與我們一同學習存在的藝術。由W Studio及HEvolution帶領。
*需要預先報名 :


參展人:李楊力 & 麥子 
主辦:W Studio、HEvolution 
海報設計 – Thomas Ng 
宣傳照攝影 – Ryan Lai 
授權放映 – 〈Going My Home 〉〈A Cohabitation〉
授權發表〈陽〉- 青年文學獎協會
銀行名稱: 恒生銀行 
戶口號碼: 239-575251-001 
2. PayMe:
3. 轉數快: 6596 7136 (電話號碼) ; HEVOLUTION
查詢 : Whatsapp: 6596 7136;



28/5 (六) 5-7pm
12/6 (日) 4-6pm
22/6 (三) 7:30-9:30pm

地點:JCCAC L5-16 W Studio


網上報名表 :

查詢 : Whatsapp: 6596 7136;

此工作坊乃「愛之後存在 :〈陽〉小說 x 插畫創作展」活動之一

Winston Lau


畢業於美國芝加哥藝術學院,2008年與友人成立了位於香港賽馬會創意藝術中心L5-16的W Studio,Winston深知頭腦無法全然了解生命,所以他選擇扎根於大地,用藝術與看不見的世界及內心連結,過程中慢慢把藝術與生命融為一體,以天賦的創意直覺體驗生存真諦。


「Post-journey of an HIV poz young gay man」exhibition 
Date:28/ 05 - 22 / 06 / 2022

Time:10:00 - 22:00

Opening:28 / 05 / 2022 > 16:00

Venue:L5 Common Space



「Post-journey of an HIV poz young gay man」short film screening & sharing

Date:18 / 06 - 19 / 06 / 2022

Time:13:00 – 18:00
- Dialogue : 18/6 (Sat), 13:00-15:00
- Movie Screening + Sharing : 18 and 19/6 (Sat, Sun), 16:00-18:00

Venue:Central Courtyard

Enquiry:Whatsapp: 6596 7136;



There are other activities during the exhibition period:

- Workshop : 28/5 (Sat), 17:00-19:00 ; 12/6 (Sun) , 1600-1800 ; 22/6 (Wed) 19:30-21:30


According to the Cap. 599F, all persons must comply with the requirements applicable to place of public entertainment under the “Vaccine Pass” Direction unless they are exempted. For relevant requirements and exemption arrangements, please refer to the prevailing Vaccine Pass Direction issued under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Vaccine Pass) Regulation (Cap.599L) and the Vaccine Pass thematic website:

Date:2- 7 Jun 2022  

2-6 Jun 2022 , 10:00 - 20:00,
7 Jun 2022, 10:00 - 14:00

Opening:2 Jun 2022 17:30

Venue:L0 L1 galleries & Central Courtyard

Enquiry:37460271 (Whatsapp)