Programmes (2024-3-15)

2022工房全新推出「染色材料包」系列; 分《天然染色套裝》《日本京友禪套裝》 及 《天然藍染布》(* 點擊跳至)三種。 


電話:(852) 98583616; (一按即WhatsApp查詢)
Facebook:Dyelicious 染樂工房

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目錄  [點擊跳至指定網站]
5  訂購空白素材

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*『大和』藍精粉 與 『香港』藍泥 套裝之分別點擊跳至指定内容)









Suminagashi (墨流し絵)是日本福井縣指定的無形文化財產,是一種擁有1000年以上歷史的傳統染色技法。



5  訂購空白素材



聯絡及查詢 : 藍小屋 Indigood House - 您的染樂道具所


Exhibition Period and Opening Hours: 
14 / 3 / 2024 (18:00 Opening)
14 / 3 / 2024 (19:00 - 22:00)
15 – 30 / 3 / 2024 (11:00 - 20:00)

31 / 3 / 2024 (11:00 - 18:00)


Venue:JCCAC L1 Gallery


There’s a sage old saying which goes, "the whole can be seen from the small, and the end from the beginning.”

Pause to observe and admire each exquisite and radiant piece, like a small calling card which carries the larger reflection of the artist. Truth and sincerity enchants and charms, like an open palm enticing you and me to explore the artist's inner world together.


Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre (JCCAC) is delighted to join Art Basel Hong Kong as a cultural partner for the first time during this year’s Hong Kong Art Month, to showcase collaborative works by six resident artists at the JCCAC booth. Before that rendezvous, allow your artistic taste buds to be tantalised by a parallel exhibition at JCCAC - A Preface to Magnificence - featuring 12 JCCAC resident artists including Chan Kwan Lok, Halley Cheng, Rachel Cheung, Bouie Choi Yuk Kuen, Kwong Man Chun, Lau Ka Chun, Joey Leung, Giraffe Leung Lok Hei, Man Mei To, Yau Wing Fung, Yung Chung Kong, and Angela Yuen, representing artistic practices as varied as ink painting, woodblock printing, oil painting, mineral pigment painting, ceramics, mixed media painting and installation. 


The 12 sets of works featured in A Preface to Magnificence include 24 palm-sized pieces specially commissioned for this parallel exhibition at JCCAC - created as challenges for the artists within the constraints of limited space, materials, and time to accompany 20 pieces of their larger and more iconic works being exhibited side-by-side.


Continuing the theme of JCCAC's 15th anniversary to explore "self-existence", the miniature pieces are small but mighty manifestations of the artistic essence of their creators, guiding the audience to read and understand the inner world of the artists.


Art is beauty that is beyond description. This parallel exhibition at JCCAC offers a chance to see through the elusive veil of art as each artist reveals their authenticity and essence through a palm-sized piece to captivate the audience’s heart and imagination.


A Preface to Magnificence Exhibition Catalogue

A Preface to Magnificence Exhibition Tour




Date & Time: 

15 / 3 / 2024 > 20:00

16 / 3 / 2024 > 15:00

17 / 3 / 2024 > 15:00

Ticket Price: $190

Venue:  Jockey Club Black Box Theatre, JCCAC
Presenter: Passoverdance

Enquiries: 5407 6047 (Ms. Michelle Wong) /


Facebook: passoverdance

Instagram: @passoverdance


This programme is supported by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant: Jockey Club Black Box Theatre Subsidy Scheme

Tickets are now available at Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre Box Office and art-mate.

art-mate Website :

For ticketing, please contact the presenter for more information



節目簡介 :






舞團簡介 : 新約舞流為香港非牟利舞蹈藝術團體,2016年起成為香港藝術發展局資助團體。致力推廣及發展本地舞蹈藝術文化,發掘並培育年青一代。舞團作品力求探索舞蹈藝術無窮可能性,讓作品更純正而獨特,能與觀眾有更深層次的對話和交流。


Date & Time:

15 / 3 / 2024 > 13:00 - 19:30

16 / 3 - 18 / 03 / 2024 > 10:00 - 19:30

Opening: 15 / 03 / 2024  > 13:00

Venue: L0 Gallery
Presenter: HKEDU

Enquiry: 5198 8653 (Ms. Jane Wong)