JCCAC藝術節2013 | More Than Arts



More than Arts,「JCCAC藝術節2013」不只展示藝術作品,更重要是建立藝術家和觀眾間的橋樑,讓觀眾可享平日少有的機會,在親切輕鬆的氣氛中加深對藝術家的認識。


JCCAC Festival Guide 2013 - More Than Arts

To celebrate the 5th anniversary of JCCAC, the month long JCCAC Festival 2013 opens with "'Five' Visual Arts Group Exhibition" in the Galleries. The exhibition features over 50 artworks created by resident artists to explore the meaning and essence of JCCAC through 5 aspects related to the Chinese character for five 「五」, namely「吾」- oneself,「悟」- thoughts and beliefs, 「伍」- relationship and interaction,「珸」- aesthetics, and「梧」- caring about nature and the environment.